What Our Subscribers Say

A big thank you to Phil Anderson and his team for all their services. Phil’s book is absolutely top-shelf and brimming with insights applicable in all economic conditions and venues. His unique cycle clock brings current market forces to light and to bear on all trading and investing. His book is a wonderful breath of fresh air, referencing his own extensive historical research going over 200 years of US data, yet delivered in a simple clarity and the occasional wry humor of a long-time worldwide lecturer. All of this has the effect of affording the investor a tremendous peace of mind, knowing the underlying forces determining the timing of the recurring boom-bust cycles and giving a much needed firm anchorage in a turbulent and otherwise baffling marketplace.
Frank Stewart — August 2024

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all your knowledge. It has changed my life over the last 6-7 years. So much so, that I have decided to try to build a career in investing. I am also in the process of building crypto and commodities portfolios and I have been enjoying the articles you sent out about these. Most of all though I’ve been able to avoid a lot of the traps and keep my family financially secure. Love your work guys.
Steven H — May 2024

I brought my first home in Brisbane 2020 for 500k when things where pretty wild with COVID. I was never very good at school actually I was told I had learning difficulties. Once I stumbled across PSE and understood the time of the cycles the confidence it gave was life changing.
Scott B — March 2024

Thanks, Darren. Just on that, I have to say the amount of value you guys deliver is exceptional when compared to other property/stock experts. You are making a real difference to people’s lives by providing very accurate information at a price that the majority of people can afford.
Adam F – November 2023

Love your work Akhil and Phil. Knowing about the Land Price Cycle should be mandatory for anyone interested in markets, but most people are clueless. So many times I have watched ‘experts’ on mainstream media warning of a boom or bust and laughed at their incompetence. They are flying blind because they don’t understand the Cycle which allows us to know what is really going on. Keep up the great work.
Rocky – June 2023

Akhil, That was such a glorious email. Packed with gold ! My favourite PSE email yet. It had everything, it was like a classic movie you recall with friends generations later. Loved the application of Gann to markets and timing and other existential phenomena. That would be a great one to summarise and demonstrate Gann to newbies.
Eric – August 2022

I got into trading when I retired, so have been an investor for just a short period and mainly spread trade. Made mistakes on the way but have made reasonable profits.
Thank you as you given me clarity, direction of reading material and research into the sharemarket malaise. I am now working through Phil’s book, Fred Harrison and WD Gann. I had read some of WD Gann in the past.
Keep up your excellent service I am forever grateful.
Philip – August 2022

I just want to quickly shout out how much I appreciate your research and teachings, I’ve learnt so much from Phil’s book and the PSE membership website info, your 2022 roadmap has enabled me to side step a big loss to my superannuation portfolio this year, many thanks, and I’ll certainly be a long time follower for many years to come!!
Erica – June 2022

I am a huge Phil Anderson fan, he does not have all the BS like many other speakers. Look, Phil Anderson is one of the most accurate and correct economists going around. I have interviewed dozens of economists and forecasters these past 2 years. When I do my research, so many of these gentlemen have not done a very good job with their forecasting over the past 10 years. But Phil Anderson is probably the most accurate of them all.
Greg Owen, CEO GOKO Grooup – May 2022

I am so glad I found you guys! I would never have stood a chance without you!
Josh – May 2022

Loved your book and now your service. I have changed my whole life around the historic info you accumulated. I tell every one about Secret life and where to buy it.
Mark R – April 2022

I’ve read /listened to a lot of books over my life. There are three that permeate through time, industry, partnerships, and life…
The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking – Phillip J Anderson:: Codifies “Black Swan” events…There are many cycles that occur in the universe . THE most powerful one is the credit creation or land cycle. More specifically, the Law of Economic Rent and how the value/price of EVERYTHING ends up in the price of land. It is a dense read and data-derived but for anybody that really wants to understand how the world actually works needs to study this intimately. It should be required reading in 10th grade. It is also my most gifted book…there are many others but I constantly come back to concepts in these books.
Greg – March 2022

Thank you for sending us great resources and foresight for 2022 and beyond. This is very life changes and remove a lot of unnecessary stress in this uncertain times. Have learnt a lot and will continue to do so.
Sophie – March 2022

I have Phil’s book; just WOW! The lessons have not been learned from the past. I’ve never felt more confident about the future than I do today.
Matty – March 2022

It’s been two years. This subscription has been life changing
Ali – February 2022

I am nearly a mill up in PLS alone and $300k up in my super just quietly. I must say that it’s due to the confidence to lay down enough capital at the right time. So a big thank you to you all at PSE.
Luke – October 2021

Reading this book (The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking) is like cheating the market. The advantage you have once you read it is astounding. I am sure glad to have read it this early in my career
Jeff – September 2021

Just wanted to say great write up as usual. I look forward to these bulletins every month and they never fail to astonish me.
Really looking forward to the next edition and the GANN investing/trading methods.
Avni – September 2021

How some of PSE Members feel about Phil’s latest August 2021 GANN email updates:

“Awesome update Phil! More like this, please! It feels great for the mind and soul. Thank you.” -Jason

“Geewiz Phil, thanks as always, I’m greatly appreciative to receive these emails. Nothing short of glorious!”. -Eric

“Have been impressed with what you guys have been doing since I first heard Phil at a CRBE conference in Melb on the cusp of Covid starting last year”. -Michael

“Hello property share market. Just wanted to say I think your literature is spot on and I’m excited to absorb everything you have to offer.” -Carl

To be part of the PSE membership who receive the teachings of Phil Anderson, go here.

Reading this book (The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking) is like cheating the market. The advantage you have once you read it is astounding. I am sure glad to have read it this early in my career
Jeff – September 2021

Just wanted to say great write up as usual. I look forward to these bulletins every month and they never fail to astonish me.
Really looking forward to the next edition and the GANN investing/trading methods.
Avni – September 2021

I was just reading the boom bust bulletin from November and I can totally relate to how this path is the road less travelled. This is the definition of going against the grain as you cannot profit from Mr. Market unless you’re doing what the masses aren’t, at least to some extent. I don’t know about you or your group but I have realized going against the masses is in my DNA. I don’t think I can help it. I have tried to “fit in” but it’s awkward and painful. I think this is the DNA of most great investors and is something innate that is nurtured, not something that is totally developed. My analogy would be that of Lebron James; the man obviously works his tail off but most people could work their butts off every day and still not jump half of what he can or run half as fast as he can. The raw talent was there and he just properly brought it out. Regardless, I love your work and find it incredibly interesting and relatable. I also wanted to say I appreciate the fact you’re trying to make a community out of this organization. It’s great and I want to be a part of it!
Jeffrey – August 2021

That was one hell of a webinar last night. You and Akhil did in one hour what it would take 1 month for someone else to convey.
Great work. I will definitely be joining the PSE membership.
Steve H – July 2021

Hola Darren (Wilson)! I’m a Venezuelan living in US. I just recently started to read your bulletin and some of the books you have recommended, like Phil’s e.i.
And I as you could predict, it’s been mind-bending, first, because I know little to none about US history, nor financial/real estate cycles.
I found Perry Marshall, because I’m into marketing which brought me to Akhil and PSE, I got hooked right away, and wanted to learn more, that’s how I became a subscriber.
Let me tell you, I’m mesmerized by your content and eager to learn more about the cycle and how can I profit from it in the next years.
I want to thank you and the entire team for providing this info, and I’m looking forward to keeping the learning process from y’all…
Seize the day!
Daniel – July 2021

(Akhil Patel) Awesome economist and a super nice guy…his commentary and advice is invaluable in my investment decisions.
Silvio – June 2021

I am thoroughly enjoying your part 1 and 2, both of the gold and also the 2021 road map.
I have been a subscriber I think now coming on 3 years, and I don’t pretend to k
now everything and your reports are reinforcing what I have read previously and also a very good refresher to go back to the original docs and apply what you are talking about in your reports. Well done and I’m really enjoying them and getting a lot out of them.
Sharon – May 2021

Yes I have the book thank you and I have read it many times. It lives under my clock beside the bedside table. Fact!
I adore Phil’s work…
Amber – April 2021

Thank you for changing the direction of mine and my families lives. You have permananent subscribers from me and mine, and friends from Ontario Canada for life as well!
You are bringing people out of ignorance and danger of the banking/land cycle, what a service to humanity!
Thank you for everything so far, and I am excited to ride with you all into the future!
Josh – March 2021

Just like to say that this was an incredible read!
Thank you 10-fold for the very educational piece.
Curt – March 2021

If you’re into trading on the stock market or into property investing you have to follow Phil Anderson…this man is a freak and his forecasts are amazingly accurate….thanks Phil.
Silvio – February 2021

I am saying thanks to you, and to all.
Your Service has pivot changed my life, and hence my family and theirs, not positive temporarily, permanently – in some many pathways, and continues to do so.
Michael – January 2021

You are the best of the best. You speak truth in a nutshell of knowledge for the ages.
Vanessa – December 2020

I’ve been with Phil for 3 years now.
He says he doesn’t have a crystal ball but he is very humble – he does.
Best economics book I’ve ever read.
I’ve noticed Phil is the only guy that can get the timing right, everyone else
“Knows everything” but does not understand the vested interest of the economic rent and gets the timing wrong and Phil’s cycle leads ALL cycles. Getting the timing right sorts the men from the boys. Jan 2020 – Phil’s says get into cash (he printed this in 2019 FYI) I did ✅
Bought the dip knowing it was a mid cycle slow down only. ✅Didn’t sell property knowing it wouldn’t be affected✅. Poised for the next insane leg to 2026. Thanks Martin and thanks to my man Phil.
Daniel – December 2020 (via YouTube)

I think the learnings and insights that PSE and you provide are breathtaking. Phil’s service really can make a difference once you understand his manner and messaging, which I really enjoy. It was great to see him head out on his own, his expertise and gathered team were wasted elsewhere, so I will maintain the subscription and continue to look forward to the posts.
Len – November 2020.

As a testament to your service, I pulled my SMSF out of the market over 2019 and waited for the drop that you said would come and got back in within a week of the march 23rd low. Where not only did I not lose a cent in the drop, I ended up around 30% on my portfolio before I pulled the majority out last week.
Bart – September 2020

My wife and I attended your event in London last year and it was great to meet you both. I run a recruitment business.
Thanks to your advice at the London event I resisted the urge to grow my headcount and saved cash. We have had a bad time through this period but are in pretty good shape overall and have not furloughed or laid anyone off.
Thanks again for your brilliant work and advice. Literally saved my ass.
Damien – August 2020

Based on your 2020 forecast I used whatever cash I could scrimp together to short the market briefly (and profitably) earlier this year, then when the big plunge came, I switched and bought long. Now I’m saving to buy anymore strong dips in the market over the next 18 months. So thank-you Phil. Your guidance has already proven profitable and given me huge insight to navigate and plan for the next 6 years ahead.
Tina – August 2020

Thanks Phil, I always appreciate that you DO keep a close eye on the non-obvious, over promoted stuff and some of what is considered “OUT THERE” that’s why I asked for your opinion. Thanks also especially for getting back to me so quickly and clearly. Everything that is happening, even in my area in Nambour QLD, points to your clock and the “quickening” toward 2026 and I am investing appropriately. I have read and followed your advice since 2006 and I sold in real estate in 2007 for a tidy profit and you helped me miss the crash of 2008. It’s coming round again and I try to point out to some others and they just don’t want to listen. 6 years to get it right. Thanks again you are an Aussie treasure.
Adrian – August 2020

I know you already know it but far out, this stuff is absolutely magnificent. I’m so pleased to be receiving your emails and education. I’m not sure how to share my joy with you other than to simply get in touch and thank you again !!! You are most certainly a beacon of wisdom and truth. I’m excited to delve into the concept of time via Gann.
My deepest appreciation and best regards.
Eric – July 2020

By way of feedback I attended in Melbourne on 28 February and have recently redone all the sessions from the recordings sent in April a couple of times… and will likely do so again. I realise now what an enormous amount of information was presented that day – and am heartened that it was said in the email it may need up to 3 further viewings!
You all did a great job presenting and explaining the topics, and with the extra viewings I now have a much better understanding of the cycles and the education you are providing. After a few unsuccessful attempts over many years, I now feel I am in the right place to start to understand the economy.
Paul – July 2020

I’ve been following your clock and the 18.6yr cycle for years now but it never ceases to amaze me how good it is.
Let the set-up into the second half of the cycle continue.
Michael – June 2020

Great read as always. PSE is a great service, it has helped me a lot already and will help me a lot going forward. I was an EIS Member since 2009 I think, but the latest Feb 2020 workshop videos taught me a lot of new things I had not fully understood before, particularly in reference to the North Node.
Andrew – May 2020

I’ve been a subscriber for many years now and respect what you have to say, particularly as I’ve use your emails and made my own forecasts, I have been able to call specific change in trends like the market crash in Feb, to within a few days of it happening. The research I had to go through to land on those dates makes me truly respect what effort you have put into the knowledge you have gained.
Trying to relay that knowledge to simple folk like myself is a challenge in itself I imagine. So Thank You!
Nick – April 2020

I managed to get the price of the S&P500 pretty much smack on, but was pretty way off with the time. Hence your experience and knowledge aided me a lot in the “time” aspect. Appreciate that.
I really think the “time” aspect is far superior. Its like catching a plane, if you don’t know when its leaving, we’ll be hanging out at the airport all day long.
Curt – April 2020

We are so fortunate that the information you have imparted to my husband has placed us in a very enviable position. My husband was offered a redundancy package from a major airline in December 2019. He went against my wishes and accepted it. With the travel restrictions now in place guess who’s eating humble pie? Due to your education we are able to survive this crazy time until such time as we start selling off properties when the real estate cycle is perfectly positioned.
Eva – April 2020

Congratulations Phil – I hope you continue to knock out your timed trader reports as I find them valuable. You may well be the only Australian econ
omist who actually understands the market.
Debbie – January 2020

Phil, you are probably the best cycle analyst and forecaster in the world and I absolutely enjoy and follow your 18.6 and Astronomical real estate cycles and your book is spot on. Phil’s real estate cycle is a stand out winner in all aspects I believe, and his predictions for the US markets and real estate cycles are so valuable and proven through history I believe.
Mark – January 2020

I have been following Phil’s work for several years now after having read his book “The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banks”. This is a must read for anyone interested in understanding cycle theory based on the real estate market. Phil’s economic clock is particularly highly revealing. It’s amazing how accurate it is and I can use it with a high level of predictability to make informed decisions about whether I should hold or sell. I have been involved in property since I purchased my first home in 1977 and I can use Phil’s 18 year cycle and track back to that period and confirm that the cycle actually works in a way that is predictable. I have been particularly tracking the current cycle from the last high in 2008-10, since I discovered Phil’s work and I can assure anyone that his cycle theory works in practice and is an unbelievably useful tool.
Gary – August 2019

Phil’s service is one of a kind. Four years ago, I experienced what I would call a light bulb moment, it was like looking at the world through a new set of eyes. To start with I was skeptical wondering if what Phil was saying could be true, so I decided to research and study everything I possibly could to prove him wrong. What I found and continue to find is that Phil has something that is hiding in plain sight, when you find it, a new light will dawn. A kind of secret that if studied is obvious so obvious that you ask, “why doesn’t everyone know about this?”. The more content Phil provided the more confident I grew, the more I could see- with clarity – the exact right times to invest and profit in the markets. Watching it unfold is exciting and I now have a life time passion in all of Phil’s teachings. Its what I was looking for, for a long time only now I understand “TIME” in a different way.

“Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened on to you”.
Luke – July 2019

I can not express how incredibly valuable and beneficial (your Time Trader reports) have been to me over the last four years. In particular the 2016 that uncannily predicted a post US Presidential election boom. That set me up very nicely indeed. For all of that and all of your insights into the property driven economic cycles, as rising property prices drives the activity of acquiring property via bank loans which causes the creation of new money in our system, thus increasing the money supply in a chaotic feedback loop, and so on I will always be eternally grateful for the enormous piece of your insights and the wealth it has rewarded me with. I mean that most sincerely.
David – August 2019

Look forward to your new service you will provide. I have followed many people pretty much got sucked into the dooms day theory writers. But after many years your predictions have been the closest and most accurate. I will not waste money or time on anyone else. Look forward to your new service.
Mark– August 2019

I have been reading and listening to you from the beginning of your entry into PPP. I’ve considered my awareness of the cycle a privilege and was lucky enough to stumble across this amazing man made cycle while trying to work out what was happening to my business and personal assets during the GFC. Having been in the Construction and Development industries since the early eighties I now have a deep understanding what has taken place across my carrier. For that I personally thank you for information you have shared and wish you all the best.
Craig – August 2019

A great (and rare) Australian book recommended by Steve Keen is The Secret Life of Real Estate, by Phillip J. Anderson. That book and Steve Keen’s book, Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences, are both available on Amazon and are must reads for all. Anderson’s book looks at 18-year cycles in real estate throughout the last two centuries and is simply the best book on long term real estate trends we have ever seen.
Harry S. Dent, jr., July 2009.

Just wanted to say a big thx for these articles and weblinks. The paid subscription to your website is peanuts in relation to the wealth of information on this website. The information you provide empowers an investor with an enlightened advantage in every facet of his/her investment plan, which can only bring untold financial rewards and superior decision making.
Sean – July 2013, Malaysia.

Thank you for this wonderful service.
As a long term subscriber I have saved and made many thousands of dollars from the wisdom you have passed on regarding reading the economy and understanding the cycles. I have been able to avoid and in fact profit from the GFC. Your predictions of moves in the Gold market have also proved very profitable.
Understanding the Property Cycle has enabled me to make very timely Property sales and purchases.
The ability to read the charts has also helped me to time locking in interest rates at low levels prior to huge rises from 2002 -2007.
Ian (Melbourne) 2013.

Your contents fantastic. I use it more for my real estate dealings rather than stock trading and it’s a real help. Keep up the good work!
Oscar, Melbourne, Feb 2013.

I have learned a lot from Phil’s presentations, emails and the website. He has always been very generous in sharing the knowledge and insights acquired from his research, explaining the many influences on market movements and the fact that these movements can sometimes be forecast well in advance. Best of all he is very approachable and easy to understand. Keep up the good work Phil!
Connie, Melbourne, December 2011.