

Phil Anderson

Phil Anderson

The Ultimate Property Summit – Big Boom Ahead

Phil discusses the quick turn from a major peak to a recession and a depression in this interview with Greg Owen from the GOKO Group. This quick turn catches many investors and businesses out and causes extreme damage in the process, along with Phil’s forecasting the next major peak and crash.

Listen in to find out Phil’s thoughts about the following:

Part 1:

  1. What’s so special about the 18.6 year real estate cycle?
  2. Lately, properties in Australia and the US are white-hot. Why is that?
  3. Will the real estate in Australia continue to boom until 2026-2027?
  4. Does money printing affect the size of economic fall?
  5. Can the government central bank stop the cyclical economic fall?
  6. How deep the future economic collapse will be?

Part 2:

  1. The stock and property markets are going well now; it doesn’t seem to fit the cycle. What’s going on?
  2. Why don’t we buy properties now then aim to sell before the economic collapse?
  3. We make money when we buy?
  4. Phil’s opinion about Martin North’s prediction of economic collapse.
  5. Many other economists said that we’re heading to the great depression. Is it true?
  6. Book references
  7. How do people subscribe to you?

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the real estate cycle

Find out more about the real estate cycle

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the real estate cycle