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Is the Property Market About to Go BOOM?

Understanding the property market’s rhythm and cycle is extremely beneficial to property developers so you can plan the best time to deliver projects and maximize profits.



Phil Anderson

Phil Anderson



Is the Property Market About to Go BOOM?

Understanding the property market’s rhythm and cycle is extremely beneficial to property developers so you can plan the best time to deliver projects and maximize profits. Knowing when the market will likely boom or go bust can help you ride out the cycles and endure over the long term.

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Phil Anderson on the 18.6-year real estate cycle and more!

Phillip J Anderson returns to Cycles TV, this time with Akhil Patel, to discuss the 18.6-year real estate cycle, how it affects the markets, how it can transform your investing strategies, and more.

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PSE – GOKO Webinar: This Must-Know Property Prediction Could Make You Rich!

Phillip J Anderson and Greg Owen from GOKO Group had an intriguing discussion about the property predictions based on 18.6 years real estate cycle.

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Phil Anderson on the 18.6-year real estate cycle and more!

Phillip J Anderson returns to Cycles TV, this time with Akhil Patel, to discuss the 18.6-year real estate cycle, how it affects the markets, how it can transform your investing strategies, and more.

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18.6-Year Real Estate Cycle Talk

Phil and Jason discuss what’s currently happening and about to happen this decade, exclusively done from HQ.

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Phillip Anderson on the 18.6-Year Real Estate Cycle

Phil caught up with FSC Board Member, Andrew Pancholi, to discuss the 18.6-year estate cycle seen in Western economies. A special episode of Cycles TV, The FSC’s Market Forecast 2023.

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Incoming Minor Recession?

In this podcast video, Phil and Jonathan discuss different issues that happened in November 2022.

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Twitter Q&A 2022

Phil and Akhil sat down to answer your burning questions from the Twitter-verse.

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From Real Estate to Stock Market Predictions

Phil has an in-depth conversation with Adam Gower about the stock market and how to predict and react to it.

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Possibilities for World War & Economic Collapse

Phil and Jason have an updated discussion about the economic collapse speculations and the possibilities that can happen in the middle of World War.

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Is the Real Estate Cycle Wrong?

Phil and Jason have an update conversation on the recent events and their correlation to the 18.6-year real estate cycle.

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Recession is Impossible in 2022

Phil and Jason discuss the 18.6-year economic cycle in 2022 and why it’s impossible to have a recession this year.

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The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast: Phil Anderson (Part 4)

In this last part of the podcast series with the Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast, Phillip J. Anderson discusses more about the future and what we can predict of the cycle.

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The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast: Phil Anderson (Part 3)

Phillip J. Anderson is back to an interview in this part three of 4-part podcast series with the Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast. This time, Phil discusses the Great American BBQ, where the USA was parcelled up and sold off to the highest bidders.

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The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast: Phil Anderson (Part 2)

Phillip J. Anderson is back to the interview with the Shepheard-Walwyn, where he discusses more details of The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking book.

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The Ultimate Property Summit – Big Boom Ahead

In this interview hosted by Greg Owen from the GOKO Group, Phil shares his forecasting of the next major peak and crash according to the 18.6-year economic cycle.

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The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast: Phil Anderson (Meet The Author)

Phillip J. Anderson talks about The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in the Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast, hosted by Jonathan Brown.

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Fred Harrison Daily Mail Interview

Read Fred Harrison’s interview with The Daily Mail about how many persons incorrectly predicted that house prices would fall amidst the pandemic while Fred predicted otherwise.

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Where Are We in The Current Real Estate Cycle

Phillip J Anderson and Akhil Patel spoke with Ben Everingham from Pumped on Property. They got right to the heart of what’s going on right now in terms of the 18.6-year economic cycle.

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Are Property Cycles Predictable?

Phil caught up with Martin North to discuss how to spot the right patterns that can easily predict the property cycle.

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How Real Estate Cycles Intertwine with Banking and Economic Cycles

In this brief video, Phillip J Anderson, Economic Consultant and Author, breaks down how these cycles occur and when we can all expect the next downturn to appear.

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Facebook Live Event

Akhil and Phil sat down to discuss a wide range of topics and answer some questions on the Facebook Live event.

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How Events Arise to Ensure the Cycle Repeats

Hosted by Nic O’Connor from Southbank Investment Research, Phil and Akhil talk about the events connected to the 18.6-year cycle.

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What the End of the World Looks Like

Here is an example of what you were told to do after the last ‘crash’ and economic slowdown. Fear sells. And how wrong it was. We are all still here and the best economics to know remains what your writers at PSE always instruct: study the land market.

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Boom Times Are Here Again

Read Phil and Akhil’s highly prescient June 2014 cover story for the UK’s largest financial magazine, MoneyWeek.

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Gold: Where to From Here

Learn how knowledge of cycles and time can prepare investors to take advantage of the bull run and avoid the bearish market turns.

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2013 Gold Email Update to EIS Subscribers

Read Akhil & Phil’s email from 29th of September 2013 to EIS subscribers which includes a forecast high in 2019/2020 – a full 7 years before it happened!

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How to Understand the Bottom of a Real Estate Cycle

Phil wrote about understanding the bottom of a real estate cycle and precisely forecasting the next one. Phil quotes a line from Winston Churchill as a prelude to this article, “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”

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The Great 18-Year Real Estate Cycle

Read Steve Hanke’s article in Globe Asia about the 18-year real estate cycle and recommend Phil’s book The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking for a full treatment of the 18-year real estate cycle.

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How the Technical Analyst Can Profit by Understanding Real Estate

Read Phil’s article in the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) Journal about the 18-year real estate cycle scientific foundation and its relation to current events.

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New Positive Spin on S’pore’s Real Estate Sector

Written by Teh Hooi Ling in Singapore Business Times, Phil calls bottom in 2010, based on the 18-year cycle seen in the US.

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Boom Bust Financial Times Letters

A letter from Fred Harrison in response to Scot Young’s challenge about the forecast of the current crisis.

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Phil Calling the Bottom of the Markets in 2009 and 2010

Read Phil’s article on MoneyWeek, explaining how to know where we are in the current financial cycle. Phil states the secret is all in land prices.

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The Man Who Predicted the Property Crash

Ross Clark writes an article in Spectator Business about Fred Harrison’s Boom Bust: House Prices, Banking, and The Great Depression 2010.

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Calling a Low in March 2009

Read Phil’s email to EIS subscribers on forecasting movements into a March low in 2009 which history shows occurred.

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World’s Tallest Building

Read Phil’s email to EIS subscribers about the tallest building completion date and its connection with the Real Estate cycle peak.

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The New Road to Serfdom

Read Michael Hudson’s article in Harper’s Magazine about how people were trapped by the Real Estate Bubble and a guide to the coming real estate collapse.

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When ‘Winner’ Loses All in the Housing Market

Fred Harrison wrote his argument for an economic prognosis for homeowners. Harrison warned house hunters that they were standing on the cusp of a negative equity trap.

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Brief Kondratieff Wave Update, Commodities and War

Read a brief 2001 update from the EIS vault where Phil talks about the potential of US v China conflict and the influence this has on commodity prices and military spending.

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The Business Cycle: A Georgist-Austrian Synthesis

Published in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Fred E. Foldvary wrote The Business Cycle: A Georgist-Austrian Synthesis. The Geo-Austrian synthesizes a theory of the business cycle with more explanatory depth than conventional theory.

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the real estate cycle

Find out more about the real estate cycle

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the real estate cycle