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Hi there, this is Darren Wilson, Editor of the Boom Bust Bulletin, and writer of these free weekly blogs.

There is still a lot of talk and media about a looming recession in the US.

Add in a number of crypto exchanges that have recently fallen foul of the US authorities due to their inability to pay back debt.

Plus the war in Ukraine continues unabated.

It’s adding up to a lot of emotion surrounding the economy and markets. But have you ever asked yourself ‘why’?

Why are things the way they are? What’s the true reason behind so much suffering and anguish?

It was therefore an opportune time for Jonathan Brown, host of the Shepheard Walywn podcast, to sit down and speak with renowned economist Michael Hudson.

Michael was promoting his book “A philosophy for a fair society” but this interview covered so much more.

Make no mistake, most economist aren’t worth your time to listen to, but Michael Hudson is one of the few on earth you must pay full attention to. Michael possesses full knowledge of the 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle, see his prescient article back in 2006.

I must admit, I found myself agreeing with a lot of what Michael said in this interview, but I also disagreed with some of it too.

There is however no doubt about what I am going to say next.

This is the most CONTROVERSIAL interview Michael Hudson has ever given!

In fact, I am willing to bet that you’ll come away either amazed or indeed angry about just how much damage those who control the economic rent of society solely for themselves have done.

It simply feeds into the world around us, one that is full of anxious and disillusioned narrative that, if I’m honest, I can’t say were present even five years ago.

Here’s the key though. This type of news is precisely what you cannot afford to be hearing right now.

Especially if you are trying to determine the next steps when it comes to your own personal stock or real estate portfolio.

This is why I decided to share this YouTube episode with you. You will gain so much from the topics that Jonathan and Michael cover in this 2-part series.

Here’s a brief breakdown of some of the subjects they covered:

  • The effect of real estate and credit on the economy in today’s finance economy system.
  • The fight against classical economics and its concept of rent as unearned income.
  • What Henry George got wrong.
  • How the University of Chicago and its graduates enjoy their free lunch.
  • The New Road to Serfdom and the legacy of the new feudalism.
  • Understanding money and balance of payments deficits and how the USA avoided paying for its deficits.
  • What’s Michael’s view on the economic impact of the Ukraine conflict?
  • How is China dealing with the Tech Billionaires?

Plus many more topics that cover some of the historic work Michael has contributed to our understanding of economics.

Michael’s views are controversial. Which is why you need to hear them. There are few people you can trust to tell you how things really are.

Please find the link to this interview on the Shepheard Walwyn YouTube channel below.

Part I

Part II

It is vital that you understand the true state of economics, and surround yourself with the knowledge on how to correctly position yourself before you deploy your capital in this market.

The greatest wealth creation event in human history is about to begin. Why would the world’s elite ever want you to know that?

Which leads us to this question “How can I learn about this knowledge for myself?”

Here’s the best place to begin: via a membership to the Boom Bust Bulletin (BBB).

This is where you’ll learn the history of the 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle, why it continues to repeat and the best way to ensure you and your family can take full advantage of this knowledge.

As Michael Hudson explained to Jonathan, those who lack this knowledge cannot even begin to realise how much the odds are stacked against those who collect the rent we all create.

But this is also the opportunity. You can turn the tables and place yourself and your family on the right side of this trend. This is what the BBB can teach you.

All for $4 USD a month. That’s less than your weekly takeaway coffee bill!

Amazing value.

Sign up now.

Best wishes,

Darren J Wilson
and your Property Sharemarket Economics Team

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This content is not personal or general advice. If you are in doubt as to how to apply or even should be applying the content in this document to your own personal situation, we recommend you seek professional financial advice. Feel free to forward this email to any other person whom you think should read it.