27 05, 2024

Never pay a deposit for a house again! Your dream mortgage is here – but if it sounds too good to be true, should you worry?

2024-08-01T14:27:51+00:00May 27th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

P.S. - If you would like to receive weekly updates like this, sign up here. Dear Readers, Another day, yet another few examples of [...]

20 05, 2024

The shocking truth why our lack of new housing ISN’T the governments’ fault!

2024-07-09T04:18:52+00:00May 20th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

As we race towards the halfway mark of 2024, change is afoot. And the driver of this change is pressure. The pressure being applied by the ever-increasing cost of land. Across every single aspect of our lives.

7 05, 2024

If you are a Millennial or Gen X and you AREN’T rentvesting, then you MUST read this newsletter RIGHT NOW!

2024-08-01T14:28:15+00:00May 7th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

If you listen or, heaven forbid, believe the mass media out there, then these two generations of people are the most disadvantaged in society.

29 04, 2024

Can you spare an hour of your day to make a fortune? The simple reason why that IS all it can take to make it, and then lose it.

2024-08-01T14:28:27+00:00April 29th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

This week I’m going to make an assumption. That many of you reading these weekly newsletters are experiencing your first full 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle.

22 04, 2024

Here’s one of the most damaging assumptions you could believe. And how to avoid falling for it.

2024-08-01T14:28:39+00:00April 22nd, 2024|Darren Wilson|

As we witness pressure being ramped up across all areas of our lives today, I take comfort from one thing. It very neatly sums up the huge advantage those of us who study land markets can have over everyone else.

12 03, 2024

Whose market timing would “you” trust? One with over 200 years of real estate cycle history or this investment app instead?

2024-08-01T14:28:50+00:00March 12th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

Ok, you can admit it now. This is something you’ve always wanted right? One simple mobile phone app that can give you exposure to venture capital, private equity, and US residential and commercial real estate.

4 03, 2024

Ignore the “cost of living crisis” narrative. Heres the real reason behind it and what it means for you.

2024-08-01T14:29:02+00:00March 4th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

It appears the cost for a pint here has increased 40% compared to just two years ago. And no, I’m not getting 40% more beer for that either.

26 02, 2024

Would you pay more than a million dollars to live 50 km from the town centre? Here’s why you may have no choice today.

2024-07-09T05:05:34+00:00February 26th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

If you are in, or about to enter the property market, you need to read this blog.

19 02, 2024

Have these governments just killed off the AI revolution? Here’s the lowdown on the fight of the century!

2024-07-09T05:06:50+00:00February 19th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

Some startling news I came across sheds light on precisely why we continue to have an 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle. And why it continues to happen, on time, to this very day. It’s been proved by a combination of three very different things. So, you need to know this.

12 02, 2024

This is the biggest single event this year! Is your retirement fund involved? What it will cost you if they aren’t

2024-07-09T05:07:32+00:00February 12th, 2024|Darren Wilson|

Today’s news is a bit different to the items I’ve written about before: it’s an election. A big election; in fact, the biggest one-day election in the world. And it’s taking place this week, on the 14th.

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