

Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel

“Trump Effect” Good for Property and Banks, but Look for New Stock Market Low Next Year

In this first issue of Agora Financial UK’s Cycles Trends Forecasts, Akhil Patel wrote a special US election issue explaining its effects on the economy.

Key insights in this edition are as follows:

  1. This election of Donald J Trump will not alter the 18-year Grand Cycle one bit. His election will merely reinforce it.
  2. Trump will embark on a programme of deregulation of the financial system, tax cuts and infrastructure building. This will create an even bigger boom than would otherwise have happened. The stimulus package this entails will be measured in the trillions. Ultimately, the land will take the gains.
  3. Expect greater volatility as the market adjusts to a new reality (fiscal stimulus, rising bond yields, strengthening US dollar). We remain on the lookout for a low in stock markets in 2017. The outlook for property remains the same – expect prices to rise into the mid-cycle slowdown around 2019.

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