

Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel

Navigating the 18-Year Real Estate Cycle

A leading macroeconomist explains how knowledge of economic cycles can help investors make better decisions at the right times.

Akhil Patel has been studying, writing and teaching about the most important economic cycle that most people don’t know about. He knows that real estate markets operate on an 18.6 year cycle, and he believes understanding that cycle can help people grow and protect their wealth. To kick off 2022, Akhil returns to the podcast for a conversation about our current real estate and stock market cycles, where we are in the cycle and whether we are tracking according to the 18.6 year cycle (we are), and he goes into some predictions for the coming year and practical ways that cycles should inform our investment decisions. This is a more in-depth conversation about Akhil’s and Property Share Economics’ work and follows on from the introductory conversation we had with Akhil at the beginning of 2021 (RWRH episode 21).

Akhil is a director at Property Sharemarket Economics and a leading expert on economic, financial, and property cycles. He has experience in audit, central government and international banking and also serves as a principal policy advisor to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Throughout his career, Akhil has worked on a range of projects including reviewing large infrastructure public-private partnerships and helping establish the UK’s  £3 billion International Climate Fund.

Key Insights in this podcast:

  1. How the real estate market operates on an 18.6 year cycle
  2. How smartphone technology shaped our current economic cycle
  3. The role of human behavior (fear and greed) in investing and cycles
  4. How the stock market and real estate market cycles interact
  5. The impact of migration to secondary and tertiary markets
  6. Advice for investors in our current cycle

Find out more about
the real estate cycle

Find out more about the real estate cycle

Find out more about
the real estate cycle