

Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel

Cheat Code to Real Estate Cycles

CREDAI MCHI from India held a live webinar in mid-2022 and Akhil Patel was invited as a guest speaker to give insights into the 18.6-year real estate cycle.

Covered topics in this webinar are as follows:

Part 1

  1. Why there’s a need to identify a micro trend?
  2. What is 18.6 years cycle? How was it conceived?
  3. The 18.6 years cycle diagram
  4. The stock market follows the cycle
  5. Past forecasts
  6. Where are we heading?
  7. The world’s tallest marks the peak
  8. Q&A Session

Part 2

  1. What is the relationship between banking and real estate
  2. RBI interest rate chart
  3. Indian funds and finance start investing in real estate
  4. Housing index in India and its correlation with UK & US
  5. Why is real estate more expensive in developing countries?
  6. How interest rates tied with inflation will affect the cycle?
  7. How does covid affect the cycle?
  8. What’s going on with the Chinese real estate situation?
  9. Benefits of PSE membership & what we offer
  10. Secret Life of Real Estate & The Secret Wealth Advantage books

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the real estate cycle

Find out more about the real estate cycle

Find out more about
the real estate cycle