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The 18.6 Year Property Cycle & How it will Make or Break Your Property Investing

In this video, Akhil Patel joins Aus Property Investors to explains where we are in the 18.6 year cycle – we are very much on track.



Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel



The 18.6 Year Property Cycle & How it will Make or Break Your Property Investing

In this video, Akhil Patel joins Aus Property Investors to explains where we are in the 18.6 year cycle – we are very much on track.

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Akhil Patel: Boom and Bust … The Secret Wealth Advantage

In this podcast Paul Lanfear talks to Akhil Patel about the 18.6 year property cycle and his new book The Secret Wealth Advantage.

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What Lies Ahead – A Fireside Chat

Join Akhil Patel and Andrew Pancholi for a fireside chat to discuss what lies ahead for 2024.

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Can You Still Trust the 18-Year Property Cycle?

Akhil joins Rob Bence and Rob Dix from The Property Cycle Podcast to convince everyone that the 18.6 year real estate cycle is still happening.

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Mastering the Ups and Downs – Secrets for Wealth in Economic Cycles

Akhil Patel joins Mo Bina for the second time in his podcast series, Purpose-Driven Wealth, where he gives a very valuable perspective about what to expect in the current market cycle.

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Standard Deviations Podcast: Akhil Patel – The Hidden Order of Markets

This week on the Standard Deviations Podcast, Dr. Daniel Crosby is joined by Akhil Patel.

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Akhil Patel – “The Secret Wealth Advantage”

Author Akhil Patel talks about his new book, The Secret Wealth Advantage, an account of the 18-year economic cycle, which is the key pattern of boom and bust that affects all our economies.

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Economic Booms and Busts & Financial Indicators for the End of the World

Akhil Patel’s family suffered economically in the 1990s and 2008-2009. That got this Oxford-educated thinker to wonder, “How can we predict economic cycles better?”

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Phil Anderson on the 18.6-year real estate cycle and more!

Phillip J Anderson returns to Cycles TV, this time with Akhil Patel, to discuss the 18.6-year real estate cycle, how it affects the markets, how it can transform your investing strategies, and more.

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The Secret Wealth Advantage

Akhil returns to the “State of the Markets” podcast, where he also gives listeners more insights about his plan to market his book, The Secret Wealth Advantage, along with some other details.

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Why Understanding The Property Cycle is Crucial to Growing and Preserving Your Personal Wealth

Ian Conway reviews Akhil’s book in Shares Magazine, stating that The Secret Wealth Advantage could be the most important book you read this year.

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Akhil Patel (Meet The Author) – The Secret Wealth Advantage

Akhil Patel talks about The Secret Wealth Advantage in Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast, hosted by Jonathan Brown.

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Author Patel Sees An Exuberant Rally Ahead, And Then A Crash

In this podcast with Money Life with Chuck Jaffe, Akhil Patel introduces his recently published book, The Secret Wealth Advantage — why he considers it a secret, how the cycle works, where we are in the cycle, and what is expected to happen next.

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The Secret Wealth Advantage by Akhil Patel: Book Launch and Talk

Akhil Patel, who recently published a book titled The Secret Wealth Advantage, held a private book launch in London where Jonathan Brown hosted the talk session.

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The Secret Wealth Advantage

Fat Tail Daily invited Akhil to share insights about his recently published book The Secret Wealth Advantage, hosted by Catherine Cashmore.

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Author Interview: Akhil Patel on The Secret Wealth Advantage

Akhil Patel shares some insights about his newly released book The Secret Wealth Advantage in this exciting interview hosted by Darren J Wilson.

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Book Review: The Secret Wealth Advantage

Akhil Patel is back to the interview with IGTV UK where he discusses his newly released book The Secret Wealth Advantage and the 18.6-year real estate cycle current update.

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This Valuable Signal Could Infer the Market Direction for Years

In this podcast, Akhil, Paul, and Tim discussed the US banking crisis, the fiat-based financial system, and more. At the end of the podcast, Akhil gave insights about his forthcoming book, The Secret Wealth Advantage.

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18.6-Year Real Estate (Economic) Cycle

In this discussion with AdaPia d’Errico at the Ladies Kickin Assets, Akhil Patel shares about where we are in the 18.6-year real estate cycle and what investors can expect.

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Twitter Q&A 2023

Darren and Akhil sat down to answer selected questions sent by our Twitter followers, exclusively from Jakarta HQ.

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Twitter Q&A 2022

Phil and Akhil sat down to answer your burning questions from the Twitter-verse.

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Cheat Code to Real Estate Cycles

Our educator, Akhil Patel, gives insights into the 18.6-year real estate cycle in this webinar recording. He also shares tips and tricks to navigate market changes.

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Property Cycle: An Insider’s Secrets and Predictions

Akhil Patel and Boaz Shoshan will explore where we are in the cycle and how to play it while answering some burning questions from the webinar viewers.

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Understanding Economic Cycles and Implications for Investors

In this episode of Purpose-Driven Wealth, Mo Bina talks with Akhil Patel about the importance of an investor understanding his market cycles.

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Cycle Low or More Downside for Equities?

Akhil speaks in this podcast episode about the possibilities that might happen to equities in the near future.

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The Market Pullback And Why It May Not Last Long

Akhil caught up with IGTV’s Jeremy Naylor to speak about the root cause of the pullback; he was on record with IGTV that he predicted a drawback in the equity markets would be in place for the first half of 2022.

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Navigating the 18-Year Real Estate Cycle

Akhil returns to the podcast for a conversation about our current real estate and stock market cycles, where we are in the cycle and whether we are tracking according to the 18.6 year cycle.

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Outlook 2022: Cyclical Investing with Akhil Patel

IGTV’s Jeremy Naylor caught up with cyclical analyst Akhil Patel who tells IGTV said that the peak in the current cycle is for 2025/26.

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What the 18 Year Real Estate Cycle Predicts

In this podcast episode, Akhil reveals his predictions based on the 18.6 year real estate cycle.

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18 Year Real Estate Cycle – IDTA Conference 2021

Akhil Patel presents the 18.6 year real estate cycle (and why all traders need to know about it) at the International Day Trading Academy’s Annual Conference 2021.

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Will There Be a Real Estate Crash In 2026?

Akhil explains 18-year super-cycle to accurately predict the next real estate crash – something every real estate entrepreneur would love to be able to do.

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Boom Bust Bulletin (BBB) Webinar

Hear Akhil speak about what happened during the mid-cycle recession of 2020, where US markets are heading for the next few years, plus a look at his gold price forecasts.

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You Are HERE In the Economic Cycle

Listen to Akhil explaining his method of analysing the market in this podcast episode of State of the Market.

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Dent’s 2021 Stock & Housing Crash Not Happening, No Hyperinflation

Akhil Patel, talks about introducing who Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE) is, the market crash forecasts from different economists’ points of view and other market-related topics.

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Where Are We in The Current Real Estate Cycle

Phillip J Anderson and Akhil Patel spoke with Ben Everingham from Pumped on Property. They got right to the heart of what’s going on right now in terms of the 18.6 year economic cycle.

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Booze, Booms & Busts: Episode #39 – Property Boom: Are you ready?

Listen in to hear Akhil speaks with Sam Volkering and Boaz Shoshan about the 18.6 year economic cycle.

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The 18-Year Economic Cycle and its Effect on Real Estate & Businesses

Akhil talks about the history of Boom Bust economic cycles, the role of real estate, leading indicators and more.

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‘The Biggest Boom in History’ Understanding the 18.6 Year Cycle

Akhil Patel and Goose McGrath from Dashdot – Buyers Agents have a lively discussion getting to the heart of preparing for The Biggest Boom in History.

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Akhil Patel Talking About Trends in Economy

Akhil Patel, who has studied economic cycles, predicts that the Pandemic will not cause a severe downturn as expected. He expects a dip and then an upward trend.

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Housing Expert Says Property Boom Largely Due to Pent-Up Demand

Akhil appeared on STV News story in September 2020 about the UK Housing market and is in the clip titled “The housing expert who says prices will keep going up”.

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Is Real Estate Really on a Predictable 18 Year Cycle?

A September 2020 presentation by Akhil to the ‘Next Level Mastermind Group’, hosted by Adam Carswell.

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Economic Cycles: The ‘Biggest Period of Wealth Creation’ Is Coming

Akhil Patel says that despite the Covid-19-induced recession, we remain on target for considerable wealth creation in the next eight to nine years and that the global wealth will double by 2026.

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The Power of Cycles, Where the Bull Market Might End

In this podcast episode, Akhil speaks in this podcast episode about the power of the 18.6 year economic cycles and where the bull market might end before the market falls.

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Interview with Brendan Quinn

In this interview with Brendan Quinn, Akhil Patel gave us an update on the bigger picture of where we are in the cycle and what is coming next.

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Facebook Live Event

Akhil and Phil sat down to discuss a wide range of topics and answer some questions on the Facebook Live event.

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We Are Entering the Biggest Period of Wealth Creation in Human History

Akhil Patel explains more about the next 7-10 years in this interview with IG UK, hosted by Jeremy Naylor.

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How Events Arise to Ensure the Cycle Repeats

Hosted by Nico Macdonald from Southbank Investment Research, Phil and Akhil talk about the events connected to 18.6 year cycle.

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The Coming Supercycle Climax With Akhil Patel

Hosted by Boaz Shoshan, Akhil explains the economic supercycle ahead and wealth creation in the upcoming years.

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Interview with Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel was interviewed by Marcus Evans to talk about the 18.6 year cycle and the reason why he started researching the cycles.

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Akhil Patel: What is the Real Estate Cycle?

Akhil Patel talks with Jim Fried from Fried On Business to introduce the 18.6 year real estate cycle.

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Property Cycles Q&A

There is support for an 18-year property cycle, but not everyone is convinced. Our three experts, including Akhil Patel, bring their views to the table.

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What is the Economic Super Cycle?

Akhil Patel explains his research about the ups and downs of the economic cycles during his presentation “The Big Con: How the Elites corrupted economics” at the War on You conference.

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The Grand Cycle Guide to Property Investing

A draft report written by Akhil Patel that examines the property cycles, investment, and prices.

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The Next Recession Will Be in 2019, and the Next Big One in 2026

Akhil Patel, Urban Exposure’s head of research, explains how the 18-year cycle model predicts when the next recession will be.

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“Trump Effect” Good for Property and Banks, but Look for New Stock Market Low Next Year

Akhil wrote the first issue of Agora Financial UK’s Cycles Trends Forecasts, explaining the effects of the US election on the economy.

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Real Estate Market Cycles with Akhil Patel

US Family Office Real Estate Podcast with Akhil Patel discussing real estate cycles.

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Property Cycles: The 18-Year Property Cycle Interview With Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel speaks in The Property Voice Podcast about the 18.6 year real estate cycle.

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Boom Times Are Here Again

Read Phil and Akhil’s highly prescient June 2014 cover story for the UK’s largest financial magazine, MoneyWeek.

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Gold: Where to From Here

Learn how knowledge of cycles and time can prepare investors to take advantage of the bull run and avoid the bearish market turns.

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2013 Gold Email Update to EIS Subscribers

Read Akhil & Phil’s email from 29th of September 2013 to EIS subscribers which includes a forecast high in 2019/2020 – a full 7 years before it happened!

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