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Dear Readers,

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the crypto president of the United States.”

Will we actually hear this for real?

If not for a few inches, you’d likely never have heard it!

However, for now, we still have presidential candidate Donald Trump in the running to be the 47th President of the United States, having survived a recent assassination attempt.

Not that it’s a given he wins it, but he might. And it sets up the ultimate ‘what if’ of 2024.

And that ‘what if’ is this.

Source – kitco.com

Is he actually serious? Would he do this?

Or is there more – far more – going on here than meets the eye?

Believe it or not, the real estate cycle provides an answer to what may happen.

Read on now.

This could be the most intriguing newsletter you read all year.

“I will set your cryptos free!”

First things first, this entire premise is determined by a single fact: Trump needs to be the next president.

So, there’s that. So, let’s assume today that he does win. Now, in this scenario we actually do have a precedent to rely upon. Well, two actually.

Because recall Trump was once the 45th president of the United States. And one fact was quickly established once he was sworn into office.

What he said he would do prior to winning, he then went and did precisely that!

Of course, many of the then more famous ones like ‘making’ Mexico pay for building a wall between their countries or repealing Obamacare never materialized. It was all politicking.

But, knowing Trump’s background in real estate, is there any surprise that his tax cuts for business and the wealthy and upper middle class were eventually passed?

So, what really happened instead is more accurately written like this.

What he said he would do – that would directly benefit himself and his donors – prior to winning, he then went and did precisely that!

Dwell on that for a moment when you read the following.

Source – Financial Times

Donald Trump said he would end the “persecution” of the crypto industry, sack the chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission and free a convict the community views as a martyr.

“I pledge to the bitcoin community, that the day I take the oath of office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ anti-crypto crusade will be over,” said Trump. “On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler,” Trump said to a massive roar from the roughly 5,000 people seated in the audience.

I bet if you were there in person, you could have cut the hubris and arrogance in that same room with a sharp knife.

You may be asking though “who is this Gary Gensler?” He is the current sitting chairperson of the Security and Exchange Commission or SEC. His hobbies include chasing down and helping prosecute some of the more obnoxious and hurtful scams and fraudulent activity that mark cryptos’ last ten years.

He also, through gritted teeth and much pressure, signed off on the establishment of the first ever bitcoin exposed ETF to be listed on US markets. Though in having the last word about its approval the SEC head was publicly quoted as saying crypto is “a field that has been rife with fraud and manipulation.”

So, what kind of response has there been to such news from Trump?

Well, obviously an invite to the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where the above image was taken. Said conference chief of staff Brandon Green on the day.

“Trump is a businessman and an entrepreneur — and he sees the opportunity that bitcoin affords the US and himself, over the past four years, you’ve seen a very hostile [Biden-Harris] administration towards the industry.”

Trump, meanwhile, is the first major party candidate to accept donations in cryptocurrencies — and claimed his campaign had raised $25mn in crypto donations. His newly anointed running mate, JD Vance, at one point owned up to $250,000 in bitcoin in a Coinbase account, according to his 2022 financial disclosure form. How convenient.

It’s in this context that you seriously must stand up and take real notice at what’s happening here.

This is not a large group of Trump supporters pledging some of their crypto holdings to support their man. No, these are the biggest whales in the crypto universe.

Marc Andreessen, co-founder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (which bills itself as the world’s largest crypto investor, having raised about $8bn to target the sector). Trump is now positioned to expose himself to these same funds.

Not to mention executives from crypto exchange Coinbase as well as the Winklevoss twins (Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss), founders of exchange Gemini, who have each donated $1mn in bitcoin to his campaign.

The two key ingredients that bake a crypto strategic reserve currency cake are these people, plus a government mandate to create and manage it.

So, …this IS happening, right? Assuming Trump is voted in.

It’s time now for the real estate cycle to have its say.

Whether Trump wins or loses, know that this will happen.

I give Trump credit. He is savvy operator and astute campaigner. He is quite switched on, and only pretends to be crass, arrogant, and unbelievably stupid.

And yet, it’s kind of hard to overlook not three years ago his thoughts about crypto. Because today represents a dramatic reversal for Trump, who has previously claimed the value of cryptocurrencies was “based on thin air”, calling it “potentially a disaster waiting to happen.” while describing bitcoin as “a scam”.

How to explain this about-face? It speaks to someone who will literally say and do absolutely anything to get what he wants for himself and his donors.

Don’t beat around the bush: Ross Ulbricht, creator of the online black-market Silk Road is in life imprisonment for a damn good reason, yet Trump wants to pardon him.

This is the depths of a man drunk on power. Now, I did say earlier there were two precedents for today’s scenario. And if you are a strong advocate for cryptos or instead have a passing interest, you need to know it.

The history of the 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle holds the key to how this would play out.

You’ll have to go a long way to witness a fusion of timing and emotion like this. The timing represented by the final few ‘mania’ years of the cycle and the greatest expression of unadulterated chase of the economic rent that is crypto investing.

And all the emotion it seems to create.

Or you can simply study the history of the land markets and why they continue to repeat like clockwork.

Because none of it matters. Trump can win or lose. Bitcoin can become a digital reserve currency, or not. It pales in significance to what the cycle tells us is about to unleash on humanity soon.

What I can say is this. You are running out of time now to prepare. The type of behavior demonstrated by Trump and his vested interests is the real story, bearing all the hallmarks that a peak is approaching.

And as such, according to the cycle, the end game here is absolutely baked in.

Those who learn to ‘see’ the hidden order of the economy and how it really works are the ones who can prevail and safely navigate the volatility. Make becoming our newest Boom Bust Bulletin (BBB) member your next investment priority.

The BBB will introduce you to the real estate cycle, its timing and what the economic rent is, the true ‘hidden order’ that drives the economy. Each month will explain all this and bring you up to date with the most important news concerning the turning of the cycle.

All for just $4USD a month, a (small) takeaway coffee. Incredible value.

Heres the thing about guys like Trump and his vested interest. They are so boringly predictable.

Will a Trump victory see a digital US reserve currency? Will bitcoin finally hit $100K a coin, or $250K, or $500K? Certainly, his crypto donors have every incentive to turn the speculation dial up to 11. It could reach those heights without a Trump presidency.

When the land market peak turns into a land-price led recession, no-one is spared. Either buy what Trump and his cronies are selling about the future of cryptos or use our research to see ahead of time what 99% of people will not.

This is how 200 years of cycle history will pass judgement. Exactly 4 years after the coming land market peak, amongst the utter carnage and despair that followed, an article will be released.

It will report the aftermath of rampant corruption and outright fraud discovered once the dust settled. About how Trump, Musk, Andreessen, the Winklevoss brothers and other well connected crypto holder sold their entire portfolios mere months before the crash.

No different to every other cycle that preceded this one.

Not that they will ever tell you as much at the time. How good will it feel to know you had history on your side?

Sign up now.

Best wishes,
Darren J Wilson
and your Property Sharemarket Economics Team

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