Boom Bust Insider Course

It’s not enough to take our word for it, that the structure of the economy is designed to move in distinct 18.6 year cycles. So we prepared our 30 years of research into 8 easy online modules. It’s where you too will learn this hidden order so that nothing can phase you or take you off track with the timing of your investments. In fact, this course has been undertaken by economists, investors and traders. It underpins all the forecasts. It’s an exclusive global course, only available to Boom Bust Insider members.


“I am nearly a mill up in PLS alone and $300k up in my super just quietly. I must say that it’s due to the confidence to lay down enough capital at the right time.
So a big thank you to you all at PSE.”

Luke – October 2021


In the next few years we are expecting life changing moves in the markets.
To be prepared for it do join us now. Here’s just some of the benefits:

  • Boom Bust Insider course – fast tracks 30 years of research to 8 easy online modules (valued at US$3,600)
  • 12 live Q&A sessions with Phil & Akhil where you can ask any burning questions (valued at US$2400)
  • 12 month PSE Membership (valued at US$1,440)
  • The unerringly accurate 12 month economic, property and stock market forecast “Yearly Roadmap“
  • 10 year “DJIA” Forecast Report
  • Exclusive access to the astonishing “DJIA Pattern of the Decade” report
  • Monthly report to keep you focused on the bigger cycle picture in reference to global events
  • Weekly written commentary to keep you on track, give clarity and help keep you calm amongst the chaos
  • Exclusive access to the PSE bespoke economic indicators
  • Exclusive access to the prescient commodities forecasts with a focus on Gold
  • Our Book of Cycles composite chart showing all researched cycles and their ultimate crescendo this decade
  • Grand Cycle Investor Action Plan suggesting when to enter, hold or exit in line with the 18. 6 year cycle
  • Email support from the PSE research team
  • Stock watchlist with a focus on REITs in line with the cycle
  • Exclusive stock market trading updates from Phil, with a focus on the work of WD Gann
  • Complimentary access to all PSE events, recordings and interviews

The total value of this membership is in excess of US$7,440

Instead we are offering it to you for US$5040

Click here to purchase your membership now.

One of the PSE Team will then be in contact to help you get started.